New wood species available in the shop: Marri / RedGum
05.08.2019A new species of wood is available at our shop - Marri or Red Gum. It looks very nice and offers a great visual experience. Almost 3D (dimensional). There are already quite a few pieces of squares, blocks, knife handles or saw veneers available in the shop.
The Marri tree (Corymbia calophylla) grows in western Australia and is called there also Port Gregory Gum or Red Gum. He reaches stature heights of 40 meters, rarely higher. Also very rare is the particular growth form as Mallee. There are oil glands in the bark and marrow. Resin gullies of several millimeters are often visible in the wood, which start spontaneously and end again. These are very unique and may also be very decorative.

The wood is medium hard and can be worked well. Marri has a light to dark brown color, sometimes it shimmers golden or is beautifully sealed, as in this present piece. The wood is used in interior design, in furniture and decorative arts and crafts.