Linden Tree Burl avaiable !
18.08.2018A nice lot of Linden Tree Burl has arrived ... despite its lightness and the somewhat peculiar smell (pretty musty) a very nice burl wood with which a lot can be done!
The large-leaved linden tree (Tilia platyphyllos), also named lime tree is native to Central and Southern Europe, often found lining boulevards. It can grow up to 135 feet tall with a trunk diameter of up to 6 feet. The lime tree plays a major role in the cultural history of Europe. In the pre-Christian Celtic and Germanic cultures, it was a place of judgment. The oldest tree of Germany is currently the dancing linden in Schenklengsfeld. It is estimated to be about 1,200 years old. Dancing linden trees are very common sites in village squares in Germany and have been the center of celebrations for centuries. The flowers and leaves have been used extensively in herbal medicine for centuries.

The wood is soft, lightweight, and with long fibers, making it ideal as a carving wood. It is also used sculpture and turning.