Wood Atlas - Xylarium

Walnut Burl

lat. Juglans regia

Walnut Burl

Walnut tree (Juglans regia) ©ThesupermatThe walnut tree (Juglans regia) is a native of Central and Southern Europe. It can reach heights of 50-80 feet, and sometimes even 100 feet. It is cultivated mainly for the nuts it produces. Walnuts are a real jack of all trades, rich in natural fats, vitamins, and trace elements, and are not only a tasty addition to the diets of both humans and animals, but also offer various nutritional and medicinal benefits.
The wood is heavy, hard, porous, and highly sought after. Walnut can be worked wonderfully and polished. It is used to make furniture, musical instruments, and even gunstocks traditionally made from walnut burl.


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Tip: Use the left and right arrows to navigate; to select the wood currently show, click on the link below the image. The wood atlas is by no means exhaustive and is constantly being expanded. But, on the whole, almost all the woods we have in stock are shown.