Wood Atlas - Xylarium
Afzelia Xylai
lat. Afzelia xylocarpa
Afzelia (Afzelia xylocarpa) belongs to the carob plants. This native of Southeast Asia Art comes primarily from Thailand, Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos, and Burma. The tree can grow up to 100 feet tall with a trunk diameter of more than 6 feet across. It was named after Swedish botanist Adam Afzelius. The seeds and bark are used in herbal medicine.
The wood is very resistant and durable. It is also very resistant to insects. It is used for flooring and furniture making, among other things. Special forms of growth, such as the wavy Afzelia Xylai with its great 3-D effect and even rarer burls are much prized by artisans for use as knives, pens, and other smaller objects.
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But, as you know, wood is a natural product and what us shown here is only
a sample and the actual piece may vary in color and pattern.
Tip: Use the left and right arrows to navigate; to select the wood currently show, click on the link below the image. The wood atlas is by no means exhaustive and is constantly being expanded. But, on the whole, almost all the woods we have in stock are shown.