Wood Atlas - Xylarium
The hazel (Corylus avellana) is a part of the birch family. It grows mostly as a shrub and reaches 15 to 18 feet tall. It is found mainly in Europe and Asia Minor, but, of course, it is world famous for its extremely tasty nuts. The hazel shrub can live for 80 to 100 years with a trunk between 6 and 7 inches across. The hazel has a long cultural tradition in Europe going back to ancient Rome, where it was considered a peace symbol. The hazel was also important to the Germanic tribes who saw it as having special power, which is why it was used as divining rods.
The wood is very dense, and heavy. It can be worked quite well. The appearance is rather plain. Besides everyday use as latticework and plant supports, it was also used to make barrel rings, basket rings, bird snares, canes, and crossbow.